Kids Gatherings

Sunday School Classes | For All Ages
BVC Kids LOGO 750x750

Please check in at our kids station as you come in the lobby.  Nursery age and 2-3 year olds can be dropped off in their classes at the beginning of the worship service. All other children attend the beginning of the service with their family in the sanctuary for worship and the Surprise Box with Pastor Kevin! Then the children are dismissed to their Sunday School classes.  Pre-register for a visit here.

See Sunday Schedule for locations. Promotions for these classes are held in May


Adventure Club | Sunday 3:30-5:00PM (September - May)


Adventure Club is our new children’s ministry program that is focused on bible memorization and teaching children the truth of God’s Word in a fun, meaningful way. The whole club covers the same verses and lesson each week so families can discuss, memorize and review together at home. We're also hoping to have some kids music time and fun games during club as well!

Our Adventure Club meets on Sunday afternoons from 3:30-5pm. Check in begins at 3:15pm. Our club is from 3 years old - 6th grade.

If your 7th-12th grader wants to help alongside you. Please contact the church office to register them.

Vacation Bible School | Every Summer

VBS is filled with fun Bible based learning plus activities including arts and crafts, music, games, a missions fund-raiser, and life-changing Bible stories.