Pastors' Perspectives

Today there is a lot being said about how churches, youth ministries and families are failing to pass along the faith to the next generation.  I know as a youth pastor that students are often looking for their parents' faith to show up in everyday life.  It is a huge encouragement to them to see this happening first in their parents' lives before it is expected in their own life.  For everyone in the church and especially the parents of these teens, we are open to the charge of hypocrisy if we don't first allow our faith in Christ to shape our everyday lives before expecting obedience to the faith from our young people.  One of the best ways to show this is in sacrificial service to others in the church and the community we are reaching out to.  All that being said, I've put together some ways that young people can serve through our church ministries.  For parents almost all of them can be done with your children and for all the members of our church, please don't forget to give our young people the chance to serve alongside. It will take grace and patience to train and let them learn but it is a simple way to pass the faith to the next generation.

Check it out and email me if you'd like more info.  Ways YOUth's can Serve